
Resident Doctors Halt OPD Services in Protest.

Resident doctors have suspended OPD services, excluding emergencies, as part of an ongoing protest for better pay and improved working conditions.


Babita Magar

Wed Feb 05 2025


The eight-day protests by resident doctors demanding better payment, without any response from the government, have led them to suspend hospital services for a few days, except for emergencies, starting today. 


The doctors are protesting under the Safe Workplace Struggle Committee for Health Workers. They have been active since Monday. On Monday, they halted OPD services for about three hours, from 9 am to 12 pm. During this time, they protested by displaying banners and placards at hospitals across the country, excluding medical colleges and specialized institutions. 


Since yesterday, they have paused OPD services. In the earlier days, they also expressed their disagreement by holding pen-down actions and wearing aprons. The Struggle Committee is demanding that the minimum wage for interns and doctors in MD, MS, MDS, DM, and MCH programs be raised to match government standards. They also want all postgraduate programs to be free of fees and bonds.

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