
Government Forms Three-Member Commission to Investigate and Control Usury

The three-member commission formed under Baburam Regmi will collect relevant information and suggest ways to address the issue of usury


nvn news

Wed Mar 12 2025


The government has formed a three-member commission to investigate and control the crime of usury, which involves lending money at high-interest rates. 

The commission formed under Baburam Regmi and with Bharat Bahadur Bohara and Badri Prasad Bhattarai as members will gather relevant information and suggest ways to address the issue.


In addition to the formation of the commission, the Cabinet made several other key decisions, including the cancellation of the "Land Administration Directive, 2058" and the "Land Information System Operation Directive, 2071." 


These changes are aimed at improving land management practices in the country. The Cabinet also approved the temporary creation of eight authorized-level positions for the "High-Value Agricultural Product Uplift Program" under the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development, which will run for the remainder of the fiscal year 2081-82.


Other Cabinet decisions made today include the appointment of Raghuraj Kafle as the Executive Director of the Health Insurance Board and the appointment of Bhagirathi Bhattarai Gyawali as a member of the Electricity Regulatory Commission. 

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